The Impact of COVID-19 on You and the Church
How does your average weekend attendance in February 2022 compare to February 2020?
2. Did you offer live stream services prior to Covid-19?
31% Yes
69% No
3. Do you offer live stream services currently?
75% Yes
25% No
4. Did you have to lay any employees off due to the pandemic?
13% Yes
88% No
5. If yes to question 4, how many?
No, but one left because of choices around how we handled Covid
6. What impact has the pandemic had on your church finances the past two years?
50 % Increased
31% decreased
19% stayed the same
7. What has been your greatest challenges in the past two years of doing church?
(check all that apply)
8. What are some positive things you learned and/or implemented during the pandemic
that was beneficial and you now will continue POST pandemic? (ie: I used to always do
sermon prep at the office but after moving home during Covid I found I got more done
on those days, so I work from home every Tuesday in sermon prep)
Daily Staff Prayer gatherings/prayer for and with people
Working from home
Trust the members of the congregation to demonstrate care for one
More focus on the impact of marketing and social media
Stopped passing offering baskets
Became a more cohesive team, probably from shared struggle
Streaming services/micro church services
A revitalized shepherding strategy for our elders and a realization
that as a pastor I cannot keep people connected to the church but
to trust Jesus to care for His flock.
I’m growing in Adaptive Leadership. According to Heifetz, “Adaptive
Leadership is the practice of mobilizing people to tackle tough
challenges and thrive”
Increase my boldness in challenging the spiritual complacency of
our church. Continuing to move forward with that same boldness
Rhythms and pace of life improved, including prayer. Our leadership team used the last year to clarify our mission/vision/values which
has greatly improved our purpose and direction as a church
Utilize zoom for meetings
Increased member care/more focus on small groups/member
connection points/intentional discipleship
9. What has been the most difficult aspect of your leadership role in the past two years?
Carrying the burdens of others and the church
I refused to take a step backwards when I know what the word is
and how wrong it was for the Government to dictate on what to do
Maintaining connection with the congregation, particularly those
who do not attend in person
Disconnect of our elders. During the pandemic, the staff dealt with
daily issues. It caused the staff to bond but we lost some engagement and support from
elders. As the SP, I felt a lack of understanding from our elders on the stress and emotional
toll the pandemic took on me and the staff
Working through the hurt of the divisive issues while trying to help our team stay focused
on what we have in common in Christ and the mission He has given us, more so than dividing
issues of the worlds culture
Trying to keep the Gospel central when our political climate is telling our members that
political posturing is more important than local church membership
Having close ministry friends relocate to other churches
Decision fatigue/judged on decisions made
Competing with social media heads; mostly of the political noise
Congregation frustration
Staff getting comfortable and losing their mojo
Feeling paralyzed
Scaling ministry back
Leading clearly and centered during crisis, turmoil, and strong
10. Did you ever consider leaving the ministry during the past 24 months of the pandemic?
37% Yes
63% No
11. How would you rate your level of stress in ministry PRIOR to March of 2020?
12. How would you rate your level of stress in ministry the past TWO YEARS?
13. If you knew what you know now, what would you tell yourself to do two years ago
when this pandemic began?
Stay consistent, don’t stress as much over the people who leave.
Draw closer to God
Keep doors open to the less fortunate and make certain
Stay focused
Be more intentional on reaching the lost, hurting and scared. People
are going to get the disease regardless of vaccine or not – let it
happen and be over it sooner
Be intentional on member contact
Slow down, stay connected
Do more personal visits and encourage congregation to do the
Take your time and trust God
Stay open, never shut down
Not argue about politics, masks, etc. and move in greater authority
and confidence
Jesus will build His church, abide in Him, preach His word, love His
Relax and remain faithful to the Gospel
View this as an opportunity. Stay focused on making disciples of
hurting and scared people rather than trying to play referee around
the issue of the day
Build a strong support team of elders and other key leaders outside
of the staff to support me as Lead Pastor, keeping them informed of the issues, the decisions, and the needs